Fathers and Cycling

A fanatic cyclist. My children have a father who is a little obsessed about cycling. Every weekend he is at his happiest tinkering with his two bikes, making them go a few seconds faster on his daily commute to work. This isn't a short easy commute - it's 15 miles there and 15 miles home plus a few extras going to meetings during the day. He has a road bike and a fixie, with the fixie being his favourite (why would anyone would want to ride a bike without gears?). My bike is quite old - I only use it to get...
Open Studios and taking part

Do you work alone? Like many small business owners, I spend quite a lot of time working on my own, talking to myself! I have BBC Radio 4 and Alexa for company most of the time, and of course Gus who sleeps at my feet for some of the day. I like people! and do miss being in an office environment, chatting with co-workers, bouncing ideas off them and catching up on gossip. I have found many ways around it. A couple of years ago, I joined a local artist group and it became part of my 'alternative office'. The group meet...
The start of a journey

Let's start at the very beginning. I have been running Ant Design Gifts for a number of years and have made big changes to my site a couple of times along the way but I am the most excited about this new start. I have many ideas and plans of how I'm going to grow and develop and this includes writing more about the things I get up to both personally and for my business. I hope you enjoy reading it. I promise not to have long winded stories and will only write about things that interest me and I hope this interests...